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Geopolitical genesis of international public agenda as an impact of the Vienna Congress

Dernière mise à jour : 2 avr. 2020


This paper deals with the history of the consequences of the Vienna Congress and focuses more on their symbolic impact. More specifically, this study is conducted in two parallel directions. The first one concerns the relationship that was conceived for the first time in history with the Congress of Vienna between national geopolitics of great power and international policy agenda.

Secondly, this study explores the phenomenon of agenda setting which in its proper origins has emerged as an information theory while bearing strong correlations between policy agenda and public agenda. The epoch that gave life to the Congress of Vienna, enriched better than ever by the innovations of the industrial revolution, had also generated the press and the spread of information.

Historical data show connection between technological, informational and geopolitical developments, connection which might have influenced the awareness of European political elites about the need for cooperation between them. The exchange of information about areas of multiple interests, security issues, economic exchanges and information concerning interests about wealth safety, served to make urgent the need for establishing common political priorities.

The stage of evolution of the political system and the spread of information in that epoch could at best allow the setting of public agendas to follow the setting of political agendas. “Spring of nations” is probably the most ancient indicator of the influence that had the correlation between these political agendas, the geo-information wave and public agendas. In two centuries, the direction of this influence has been reversed. In methodological terms, this is a historical work. More

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